Education Reform
Throughout my spring semester, I developed a unique passion for education reform through research and a number of projects. By investigating topics ranging from the affordability of education to the flawed nature of standardized testing, I began to see the necessity for solutions to the education system's most prominent problems. Three of these works are showcased below including a report detailing a deliberation my group hosted for the public, an issue brief written and sent to policymakers, and a blog discussing various topics regarding education affordability.
The Rising Cost of College
As the cost of college continues to rise and ways to afford college can't keep up, a group of classmates hosted a public deliberation discussing ways to fix this problem. We presented the pros and cons to three solution avenues while posing questions to our audience to discuss the efficacy of each. We concluded our deliberation with a survey to gather information from attendees. A college degree holds more value than ever before and it is crucial to maintain financial accessibility for all that pursue a degree. Please click below to read the detailed report about this deliberation!
Revising Standardized Testing
Standardized testing is something that all students experience in their educational journey, specifically in advance of college applications. In this issue brief, I analyze and discuss the issues with modern standardized testing and how they have developed over time. Through a number of sources and evidence, there is clearly an issue with how these tests favor students that come from high-income families. For standardized tests to continue to be a fair assessment of all students, it is imperative that they are revised. You can read the full issue brief including infographics at the link below.
Education Affordability
Throughout my semester, I took great interest in the civic issue of education affordability. I created a blog featuring three aspects of education affordability: public and private schools, the rising cost of college, and the income-achievement gap in schools. Blogging about these topics allowed me to educate myself and foster an interest in learning more about the issues that plague the modern U.S. educational system. Students from all backgrounds should have the same support in their educational journey and not hindered by unfair and uncontrollable factors. Find my blog at the link below!